Title: The role of computing in the post 5G-era: Architectures and enabling technologies

Organizers: Salvatore Spadaro (UPC); Nicola Calabretta (Technical University of Eindhoven); Raül Muñoz (CTTC)


The requirement of process data and take decisions almost in real-time that 5G-enabled verticals impose, has a huge impact on the physical infrastructure, with special emphasis on the computing and storage capabilities of the connected devices. 5G services requirements are pushing the migration from centralized cloud-computing towards edge-based data processing. Such shift has a huge impact on the transport network architectures design as well as on the enabling optical technologies.  This trend will be even more exacerbated in the next years. In particular, with the advent of post-5G technologies, much faster data speeds (beyond 5G) will be achieved, therefore increasing significantly the amount of data generated. This further imposes the usage of big data analytics technologies and artificial intelligence, impacting the requirement of the adoption of novel technologies and architectures, both in the IT and the optical network sides.

This workshop aims at exploring potential novel architectures and technologies that the deployment of post-5G services will require. In particular, the most promising technological solutions and architectures will be discussed.

Different experts from Industry and Academia will share their viewpoints and latest results to offer ideas and disruptive approaches to be discussed.


L. M. Contreras (Telefonica), Title: "Evolutionary trends in operators’ networks for beyond 5G".
D. Carrera (Barcelona SuperComputing Center), "The role of Edge Computing in the future of cellular networks: orchestration and application ecosystems".
N. Djoher (Nokia Bell Labs), "How to achieve end-to-end low latency and high reliability for edge computing?"
G. Zervas (UCL), "Optical Network Technologies for Heterogeneous and Disaggregated Data Centres".
N. Argyris (Mellanox), "SmartNIC technology for Edge Computing, 5G and beyond".
G. Kanellos (University of Bristol), "Dynamic QKD technologies to quantum-secure networks with distributed compute resources".


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