JOCN Special Issue ONDM 2020

Selected ONDM2020 papers will be considered for publication in the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) ONDM2020 Special Issue, to be published in Spring 2021. The selection criteria include the conference paper’s score, novelty, and impact. The extensibility of the paper with significant new material is also a key requirement for inclusion in this Special Issue. While it is expected that invitations to the Special Issue will mainly be extended to authors of Short papers (3 pages), extensions of Full papers (up to 6 pages) may be considered as well if they meet such requirements.

ONDM2020 General and Program chairs will notify the selected authors after the conference.

Such manuscripts must be prepared according to the usual standards for submission to JOCN, and will be uploaded through OSA's electronic submission system, selecting the appropriate ONDM2020 special issue feature (choose from the feature issue drop-down menu).

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